Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Halloween 2010: Scorpius and Nurse Froy

Nurse Froy and Scorpius costumes

Close-up of the blue contacts

Close-up of the codpiece

On stage at the Creation Entertainment Farscape Convention 2010,
competing in the costume contest - awesome creativity at that convention!

The Scorpius costume won first place! $250 gift certificate = awesome Farscape gear

Posing with Farscape Executive Producer Ricky Manning!

This Halloween, Colin and I dressed as two characters from the sci-fi TV show Farscape. Colin went as the awesome villain, Scorpius, and I went as his assistant, Nurse Froy. We also had a great time at the official Creation Entertainment Farscape Convention 2010 in L.A., and were thrilled to take home the first place prize in the costume contest!!

Source material:

Vinyl, fake leather, fake alligator skin, blue and red LEDs (for cooling rods!), creepy teeth by Dental Distortions, model magic, spray paint, Sculpey, wire

Nurse Froy:
Vinyl, blue contacts and blue wig


Blogenbury said...

You deserved first place! Awesome costumes!

Lauren Brackenbury said...

Thanks Dad! :)