Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Arrested Development Premiere Party

I am a bit of an Arrested Developmemt fanatic, so when Netflix aired new episodes, I was ready to celebrate Bluth style.

There's always money in the banana stand! And, Tobias blue himself again.

Merry Krampus!

Merry Krampus Christmas stocking I made for Mark.

Nyan Cat Mug

Another one I made a while ago - Nyan Cat Mug for Mark.

If you aren't familiar with Nyan Cat...

Rei Ayanami and Gendo Cosplay

Hmm, not sure why I never posted this - Mark and I made Rei and Gendo costumes for SakuraCon. Pretty fun. :)

Christmas Ornaments

Made some ornaments for my family for Christmas/Chanukah 2013:

 Batman for Oliver

 A scorpion for Henry

 Spiderman for Jesse

A cat for Eve (she wasn't in the mood to pose)

Also a Pride and Prejudice ornament for Eileen, not pictured (yet).

Materials: plaster of paris, paint, wire (whiskers)