Saturday, November 1, 2014

Halloween 2014: Faye Valentine and Jet Black

This Halloween, Mark and I were Jet Black and Faye Valentine from the amazing anime Cowboy Bebop.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Happy 65th Birthday, Mom!

Made this card to celebrate my mom's 65th birthday.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Rider and Saber Lily

Mark and I finished our Rider and Saber Lily costumes in time to debut them at SakuraCon 2014!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Arrested Development Premiere Party

I am a bit of an Arrested Developmemt fanatic, so when Netflix aired new episodes, I was ready to celebrate Bluth style.

There's always money in the banana stand! And, Tobias blue himself again.

Merry Krampus!

Merry Krampus Christmas stocking I made for Mark.

Nyan Cat Mug

Another one I made a while ago - Nyan Cat Mug for Mark.

If you aren't familiar with Nyan Cat...

Rei Ayanami and Gendo Cosplay

Hmm, not sure why I never posted this - Mark and I made Rei and Gendo costumes for SakuraCon. Pretty fun. :)

Christmas Ornaments

Made some ornaments for my family for Christmas/Chanukah 2013:

 Batman for Oliver

 A scorpion for Henry

 Spiderman for Jesse

A cat for Eve (she wasn't in the mood to pose)

Also a Pride and Prejudice ornament for Eileen, not pictured (yet).

Materials: plaster of paris, paint, wire (whiskers)