Saturday, November 21, 2009

Starcraft Cake - Happy Birthday Dan!

Marzipan, cake, icing

Colin and I made this cake for our friend Dan. The scene depicted is from the computer game Starcraft.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Happy 20th Birthday Dan!

Construction paper, foil

As usual, it is hard to capture foil with my camera.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween 2009: Hidan

This year I also worked on Noah's costume with him and mom. He was Hidan, from the series Shippuden. I designed his costume. He and I sewed and made the scythe together, and mom did some of the sewing and his awesome makeup. Fabric, foam core, etc.

Halloween 2009: Junko Mizuno's Nurse Kaori and monster

This Halloween, Colin and I went as two of Junko Mizuno's characters. I was Nurse Kaori from the Pure Trance manga series, and Colin was a monster/mummy creature. I made our costumes. Fabric, paper mache, etc.